Friday, January 25, 2008

My initial review of the P90X workout program

P90X is a video workout program instructed by Tony Horton that incorporates various workout routines to strengthen your whole body, seeing amazing results in 90 days. P90X attempts to be better than other programs by creating "muscle confusion". Muscles are very efficient at repeating movements that have been learned over time, which is why runners can run 26 mile marathons, and only burn about twice the normal caloric intake in a day. I'm currently nearing the end of week three and I can confidently say that I have more endurance now than I did on day one with all of my workouts. Yes, I still have to take some mini-breaks, but nowhere near what I had to do when I first started. I also feel that my love handles are starting to slowly go away (I'm not a big guy, but I've got a slight spare tire). If anyone is interested in trying a workout routine and willing to give it their all, give P90X by BeachBody a try. You've got to "Bring It!" as they say or else you're not going to get the results you want. It's a 6/7 day a week program (depending on whether or not you wish to watch their Stretching X video (optional), or rest that day) so it's not a cake walk, but many people have had amazing results after 90 days.

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